As the government changes and new policies are signed or cast aside, it can be hard to know what solar subsidies are still in place and what has changed. In the past, solar subsidies were due to decrease from 26% to 22% in 2023 and then become 0% in 2024, but the...
Heating your pool with solar energy is a great way to save on energy costs while enjoying a warm pool. Solar heating is an effective solution and can even be affordable, thanks to federal tax credits and state government incentives. When it comes to using solar energy...
Summer time temperatures are high, meaning that the last thing you think about doing is heating your pool. After all, a dip in a cool, refreshing pool is exactly what you want when the sun is hot overhead. You don’t want to get in a hot tub, or even a very warm pool....
Solar panels are a fantastic way to save on energy bills and increase your home’s value. As a reliable source of renewable energy, more people are turning to solar panels to power their homes. But what about pools? Are solar panels able to heat large pools...
Solar panels have become increasingly popular over the past decade, and with good reason. They save the environment while also saving you a lot of money on your energy bills. Those panels do go on your roof, and since not every roof is the same, how will the type of...
If you’re going to spend the money on solar panel installation, it’s reasonable to want to know what warranty protection will be included in your investment. After all, solar panels aren’t a small purchase and you need to protect yourself and your investment. There...