We are excited to announce that we will attending the Florida Solar & Storage Summit on June 3rd, 2021! This event is being hosted by the Florida Solar Energy Industries Association at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress in Orlando and will be the first Solar Energy event of the year. We are looking forward to hearing from Industry Experts across solar, storage, electric vehicles and electric vehicle infrastructure, and exploring both current and future trends across the State of Florida!

Here are some of the Panel Topics being held:

  • Keynote by Abigail Ross Hopper, President and CEO of the Solar Energy Industry Association
  • Building a Workforce in the Sunshine State
  • The Present and Future of Residential Solar Finance
  • The Challenges and Opportunities with Commercial Financing in Florida
  • Creating Dual Use Solar Farms

If you are planning on attending this event, give us a call today so that we can schedule a time to meet and discuss the future of Solar Energy together! For more information, please visit this link: https://www.flaseia.org/events/florida-solar-storage-summit/