With a consistent move towards green energy these days, solar energy has never been more critical. Before you jump into installing solar panels, though, here are some vital things to take note of.

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What 3 Things Should I Know Before Having Solar Panels Installed?

Having the right knowledge can save you some problems down the line. Knowing what to look out for when considering solar panels as an energy source will ensure you know what you’re getting yourself into.

Roofing Matters

As solar energy ultimately depends on having enough sunlight, the first thing you need to consider is the amount of shade. Installation costs can be significant, and if you cannot take full advantage of them, the entire setup will not make much sense as an energy source. This is why it’s vital to get professionals like us to evaluate your house and plan out your solar panels before installation. With your roofing, the stakes are higher and you can’t undo installations as easily.

If there is enough sunlight throughout the year, you need to consider the structure and integrity of the roof. Space is needed for the panels, and the age of your roof does come into play. Any damaged parts should be looked at before installing any solar panels, as that will require dismantling it and installing it again, which will cost a significant amount. If your roof is due for a repair or replacement, you’re best off taking care of that first before installing your solar panels.

Solar Usage

If you are opting for solar energy, you also need to consider what it will be used for. Depending on different needs, the two more commonly used technologies involve photovoltaic solar energy, which produces electricity, and thermal, which utilizes solar energy to heat water or air. 

For properties in areas with more need for good heating than electricity, having panels installed for thermal needs is the wise option. However, if you are looking to buff up the electricity supply for your property, photovoltaic technology is obviously the way to go.

After that, consider the types of panels that will be used. Monocrystalline panels are more expensive but offer high efficiency. Polycrystalline panels are less efficient but are less costly as well. Lastly, thin film brings flexibility but has the lowest efficiency of all. 

Connecting To The Grid

Location matters, and that can affect how you will connect your new energy system to the grid. Connecting to a local utility is not exactly an easy thing to do, and property owners need to find out the answers to many vital questions. How long things will take to be connected, the fees involved, how you will be credited for the electricity generated, and so on. 

There are different rules for different places, and it is crucial that you find out what these regulations are.


Choosing solar energy is the right direction to go, but you still need to approach it smartly and do your due diligence. If you dive deep into solar energy without making sure everything else is in place, it could easily end up costing more than your original energy systems. Be sure to keep all these in mind and if you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call and we’ll gladly give you more specific advice.