Getting solar panels installed by Florida solar installers on your house will save you a lot of energy and money in the long run. But how long exactly is the ‘long run’?  How long will those brand-new solar panels last? Thankfully, you should get a long period of energy-saving efficiency with your solar panels.

How Long Should Your Solar Panels Last?

Most brands of solar panels will last for a minimum of 20 years and around a maximum of 25 or 30 years. With this being said, this is also how long most roofs last. 

If your solar panels do last for around 30 years, know that by the time it’s around 25 years old, you may notice that they are producing less electricity.

Quality Panels

In terms of lifespan, your solar panels will last longer if you purchase higher-quality equipment. You’ll want to compare your panel options before you buy so that you know how long they tend to last.


One significant factor that will prevent your solar panels from working is outdoor damage. If you go through a storm that spreads around a lot of debris, your panels could be damaged. This is rare though; otherwise, your panels should last for 20 years at the very least.

Do Solar Panels Degrade Over Time?

You already know that by the time you reach the end of your panels’ lifespan, your panels will produce less electricity. This is common and isn’t something you should be surprised about. 

Your panels will not be able to produce as much electricity over time, but they will still work. Many solar panels even from the 1990s still continue to work. Since then, better solar panels have been produced that are made to work longer.

You won’t lose electricity production entirely over the years, but it is true that you will no longer have the production capacity to support what the manufacturers think an American family should be able to live off of.

What Degrades the Panels?

The weather is often the culprit. Temperatures that are too high can degrade the sealant, back sheet, and glass of your panels, which leads to less production of electricity. Degradation can increase over time as well. While new panels are less likely to degrade, older ones are more likely to.

How to Make Your Solar Panels Last Longer

All solar panels will degrade, but that shouldn’t hinder you from getting them installed. If you take care of your panels regularly, you’ll be able to help them last for their full life span. 

Clean the Panels

Dirt, pollen, leaves, and anything else that might fall onto your panels can affect how your panels work, so spend time making sure that your panels are clean. If you live in an area where there hasn’t been any rain for a while, or if you notice that regular rainfall isn’t cleaning your panels, you may want to consider professional cleaning.

Monitor the Panels

This can be done by using an app so that you can see how much electricity your panels are producing. You’ll want to check periodically so you can see if there are any problems with production.

Physically monitor the panels by making sure that you don’t have any trees or anything up high that could possibly fall onto your panels.

Regular Inspections

If you pair up with a good solar company, you can hire a professional to take a look at your panels and provide you with a regular inspection. As solar panel experts, we know which cracks or problems to look for, and will be able to prevent any issues with mold or leaks.


Ultimately, your solar panels will last you a solid 20 to 30 years, but in order to help them last as long as possible, think about getting a standard warranty as well. This warranty will let you know how long the manufacturers expect your panels to last and how much efficiency you can expect. Hire a professional for regular maintenance and cleaning and you should have a high power output for years to come.